strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man (Ephesians 3:16)
Man is a spirit and he lives in a body. Getting educated about you, in your inner man is so important. God is the very source of life, and when Adam sinned, he got disconnected from life; immediately, his spirit lost connection with God. And all he was left, was his body. A natural human is dead from the inside. When Adam died, he died spiritually first. Adam was limited to a physical being with a soul.
Now that, you are in Christ Jesus, you are born again. You no longer have a God-disconnected spirit rather God lives in you. After getting born again, your spirit is filled with life, the very life of God. Your recreated spirit is the real you and your body is just your home on earth.
You are not just about a body, soul, and brain, it’s more than that. You are made alive in your spirit. You are a spiritual being, that is your inner man.
In our opening verse today, we see Apostle Paul talking about being strengthened with might in our inner man. The word “might” means miracle-working ability. While being on earth, we call it a miracle, but in reality, it is a natural spiritual ability. This is an ability that is beyond the physical reasoning of the earth.
When the inner man is weak, one is unable to control the outward man. This is why sometimes, some Christians want to pray but find it difficult to do so.
When you spend time studying and meditating on the scriptures, speak in tongues regularly, your spirit will be invigorated with might – miracle-working ability. When that power is stirred in your inner man, it becomes easy for you to overcome any adverse situation. Strengthening your inner man is a building of strong spiritual character. Make sure, you give your effort and time, to build yourself in the inner man.
Dear Father, I thank you for granting me to be strengthened with miracle working ability in my inner man, by your Spirit! I study and meditate on the Word, to keep this might invigorated in me, in Jesus Name. Amen