Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people (Acts 6:8)
Grace is the divine influence in the inner man of a person that reveals itself on the outside. You don’t see grace, but you see the out-workings of grace. It’s like the wind, you don’t really see the wind but you know it, by its impact.
There are certain things that follow a man who is graced of God. When you see those things in a person’s life you know that the grace is at work in him or her. There are majorly seven out-workings of grace; grace gives: acceptability, advantage, favour, joy, liberality, pleasure and gifts.
In the coming days we will learn more deeply about each of these out-workings of grace and how we can activate them in our lives.
Precious Father, I thank you for your grace that is at work in me. I thank you for teaching me about grace. As I grow in the knowledge of grace and its out-workings, I grow in grace. I increase exceeding abundantly through the grace of God which is at work in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen!