Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord (2 Peter 1:2)

The grace of God beautifies your Spirit because it is the glory of God working in a man’s spirit, if grace works in your life, it will surely show on the outside. One of the out-workings of grace is that it produces advantage for you. When you are graced, nature responds to you!
The grace of God puts you in a position of advantage at all the time. Be it any circumstance, it will turn around for your good. People and forces around you may not want you to be advantaged, but the grace locates you and causes everything to turn for your advantage. And, it is not because of something you have done, achieved or qualified for but because of the divine influence at work in you, that is grace!

However, just because advantage is an outworking of grace and the Bible says you will be advantaged doesn’t mean it will automatically work in your life. You have a part to play, to activate that advantage in your life. You have to be in the consciousness of this grace advantage all the time, you have to keep speaking it, you have to make it your mind-set such that no matter what you see, you know and you know and you just know that it is working for your advantage. Glory to God!!

I’m mightily graced of God. I’m advantaged because of God’s grace, wherever I go, whatever I do, I’m advantaged. Grace locates me and gives me advantage. God’s grace is my sufficiency in every situation. Hallelujah!

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