Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ( 2 Timothy 2:15)

Certain people feel that studying few Bible verses every night, is the best time and way to study scriptures. That’s been their practice for years. While such consistency is good, the time when a person is tired and unattentive, is not the best time to study scriptures.

Every time you open the Scriptures to study, you learn something new and as you meditate on specific things the Holy Spirit brings to your consciousness, you grow in glory and grace. Thus, it’s important that you give specific and defined time to the study of scriptures, when you are at your very best attention and freshness, not when you are sleepy or distracted.

Study the Word of God daily, give it a dedicated time, don’t just fulfill the formality of studying the scriptures by including it somehow- somewhere in your daily routine. Give the Word your attention and time. Study and put your heart in it. If you want to live a life that’s beyond the ordinary, it’s just possible by the Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father, I thank you for teaching me the right way of studying the scriptures. I give myself wholly to the Word, and grow in grace. As I study and meditate on your Word, which is crucial for a victorious Christian walk, I fulfil your desire and plan for my life, in Jesus Name. Amen.

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