Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (2 Peter 1:20)
In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul, while talking to Timothy asked him to study the scriptures diligently and further on He told him that doing this will equip him and he will never come accross a situation where he would be required to get ashamed. Jesus Himself told us in Matthew 13:11, that it has been given to us to know the mysterious secrets of the Kingdom of God.
The King and His kingdom is no longer a mystery to us any more.
God revealed Himself in and through Jesus, we have His word that we may have knowledge about the Kingdom, moreover He filled us with His Spirit which guides us in all truth.
You are the King’s kid and this is your priviledged inheritance to know the Kingdom mysteries, ways and matters. You may now ask how to access these things, it’s very simple, God has put all that in His Word. The Bible is not just the truth or just historical records. Though the Bible consists of recorded conversations, Spirit filled communications, but these pieces of letters are the powerpoints of impartation.
I challenge you to try to study His Word through His Spirit today. When a non-believer reads the bible, he/she will read only when it’s written where as when you, a child of God, will study the same through the Spirit, you’ll find yourself getting plugged with enourmous source of spiritual wisdom, power and His holy unction. Even when its just a verse, read it again and again until the Holy Spirit begins to teach you and uncover the deep secrets of the Kingdom to you. The bible will no longer remain just a Holy book to you, rather you’ll have fellowship with it as a person. Its such a joy that our Heavenly father is the King, we are King’s children and the Kingdom is our inheritance.
Glorious Father I thank you in Jesus’s name that you have lovingly given me to know the secrets of the Kingdom. I thank you for the treasure which you have kept for me as my inhertance. I diligently give myself to the study of the scriptures. I thank you for filling me with the Holy Spirit who speaks to me and guides me in all the truth. Amen!