And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. (Matthew 14:23)
Our main verse throws light on the prayer life of our Master Jesus. Jesus was disciplined with His prayer routine, and we ought to emulate Him. Mark 1:35 MSG tells us, “While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed.” Then again we see in Luke 5:16 says, “And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed.”
As a Christian your prayer life should be a disciplined one. You can’t be careless about your prayer life. It’s good to pray while you work or do any other thing, but if that is the only way you pray, it’s just not good enough. You must have dedicated, uninterrupted and quiet time of prayer, where you commune with the Father and receive direction from Him.
You can’t say, “I pray whenever I feel like”; your prayer life cannot be dependent on your feelings. Feeling is not a dependable parameter. You can’t even say, “ I pray when I have time”; no! You take out time for prayer, and be punctual and disciplined towards it. You stick to the schedule; without any excuse. Scheduled times of prayer must be an integral part of your daily routine.
You must also have family prayers and you must never forsake the opportunities of corporate prayers you get in your church. Take your corporate times of prayer seriously, whether you’re participating onsite or online. For example, when we have our monthly prayer day in Church, don’t be absent or involved in any other thing. Take it as an opportunity of tapping in corporate anointing and grace.
Take every moment of prayer with utmost seriousness. Your prayer life matters to God!
Dear Father, I thank you for the honour of communicating with you through prayer. I take my times of prayer very seriously. Through prayer, my eyes are open to spiritual realities, and your thoughts are unveiled to my spirit, in Jesus Name. Amen.