And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:25)
Have you ever seen a lion hunting a deer? Lion never attacks a deer when it is in the herd. It roars from far and runs after the herd, and scares the deer in the herd until one among them, runs in a different direction, away from the herd to save itself. The lion then runs after that one who ran away from the herd and kills it and eats it up. Do you know why lion never attacks the herd? It’s because the lion knows that if all the deer unite against it, they would probably kill it. So it waits for the one who leaves the herd and goes away. That’s the power that fellowship has!
Throughout, the years I have seen many children of God who take the church gatherings and other fellowships in the House of God, casually. And, the more they do it the more they suffer. They don’t realize that being in fellowship brings protection for them. Satan can never attack you when you are in fellowship, just like the lion does not attack the herd.
The life of the children of Israel was centered around the Ark of God, and that was their assurance of safety, supply, and livelihood. The same is the case today with the Church and you. Keep your life centered around, the House of God, don’t miss any opportunity of fellowship and you will be protected and unvanquished at all the time in your life. Nothing can you give you true happiness and fulfilment except your fellowship with God, always remember that! David declared in Psalms 122:1; “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”
Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for joining me to the Church, your body. I thank you for your Word that has enlightened me, about the power of fellowship. I never neglect any opportunity of fellowship and participate in every activity in the House of God, in Jesus Name. Amen!