That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:12)
The world has a culture of following anything and anyone who is famous, as per their standard. They call it following the ‘trend’. As a child of God that’s not what you should be following.
The Word of God tells us, to follow those who have a glorious walk of faith. Those who are anointed men and women of God. Who through faith have inherited the promises of God. Your desire should be follow such people.
Never idolise actors, athletes, politicians etc. Don’t try to copy them. You are unique, a workmanship of God. Follow your pastors and leaders whom God has put above you. That will cause you to increase in grace and perfect your walk in Christ.
Dear Father, thank you for your love. Thank you for making me your unique workmanship. I resolve to follow men of faith and not men of this world. As I do so I increase in grace and might, in Jesus Name. Amen!