That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:12)
As much as it is important to follow those who walk in faith, how you follow them makes all the difference in your life. When we talk about following the greats of faith, we do not mean following their hairstyle, or their way of dressing, neither does it mean, following their style of preaching or walking. It doesn’t even mean following them wherever they go. It means following through their steps of faith.
You follow a man or woman of faith, by following the Word they minister. You follow rightly by making the same impact in your location, as they are making with their faith and prayer in their own location. You follow them by desiring the fruits of the relationship with the Father, as you see in their life. You follow rightily by loving Lord Jesus more and more.
That’s the true meaning of following. It is not an outwardly act but an inward move of the Spirit in your life, that causes a change in you, and the impact that you make in your world.
As a matter of fact, Judas followed Jesus bodily everywhere Jesus went. He was among the twelve disciples, yet His heart was not in the Lord. And we sure know his end. Have the right mind and attitude as you follow those who through their faith and patience have inherited promises.
Precious Father, I thank you for teaching me the essence of followership through your Word. I follow the right people the right way. The ways of this world don’t move me, I’m only moved by the Word of God, in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen