For the love of Christ controls and compels us, because we have concluded this, that One died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that all those who live would no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and was raised for their sake. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15 AMP)
The world and its elements are void of love. The only true love is the love with which God loved us in Jesus Christ. Our main verse is very profound. It teaches us why our life should be all about loving and living for our Master Jesus. Our love for Master Jesus, is the one element of our Christian walk which should overpower every other thing.
Anyone who doesn’t love Jesus doesn’t know Him. If they ever get to know who He is, they’ll most certainly fall in love with Him. The more you know Jesus, the more you love Him!
It matters that you grow in your love for our Lord Jesus Christ. You should love Him more today, that you did yesterday. If that is not the case then there’s something wrong. You aren’t moving ahead in your walk of faith. The more you study the Word, the more you know Him and the more you love Him.
Soak yourself in His love and, and live each day to love Him more. If that is your aim, you will for sure walk in the perfect will of God, basking in His glory. It will be impossible for you to loose direction in life, because your love for Jesus will make all things work together for your good (ref. Romans 8:28). Your life will then be an endless stream of joy, peace and supernatural. Remember, life on earth is nothing except we live it for Jesus.
Dear Father, thank you for your liquid love towards me. I live my life to love Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for me. I’m rooted and grounded in your love, and I manifest and radiate your love to my world today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.