Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
Prophet Nehemiah saw the people of Israel as those who are successful and not as those who are the failure. He saw them as the strong and not as the weak. In the above scripture, there is a remarkable thing which the prophet instructs, he instructs them NOT TO BE SORRY.
In Hebrew, the word translated as SORRY is “awtsab”, which means to carve, fabricate, manufacture worry, pain, anger, displeasure, grief or hurt. So Nehemiah was telling the children of Israel not to manufacture these negative feeling. Furthermore, He revealed that God has made the strength available in His Joy.
As a child of God, the power and the choice to think and feel has been given to us. Unless and until we manufacture the negative feelings and thoughts within us, they won’t have any influence over our lives. If you ever found yourself driven by the devil to manufacture worry or fear, stop yourself immediately. Shout out and correct yourself by saying, “Father I am sorry to have unconsciously allowed my mind to manufacture the thoughts of worry and fear, in Jesus name I don’t allow these negative feelings to have its place in me anymore, and I declare that satin has no authority here in this place.” As you would do so, you will find how heavenly joy and thought of infinite possibilities well up in your Spirit. You will be strengthened by the strength of God as you will bask in the Joy of the Lord!
Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Word today! Your word has taught me the secret of supernatural strength. Your word has taught me how to operate in authority over everything in my life. I don’t manufacture any negative feeling or thought rather I well up the heavenly strength which you have made available for me in the Spiritual Joy!