Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. (Philippians 4:6 AMPC)

Do you know what is fear? Fear is actually faith in the ability of the adversary to hurt you; faith in the ability of all that is negative to stand against you and defeat you! Faith and fear cannot exist together.

Our main verse tells us not to be anxious or afraid about anything, rather we are to make our requests known to God with thanksgiving. That’s what faith is.

Fear short circuits the power of God in your life. On the other hand, faith makes all things possible. To eliminate fear, you need to feed your faith fat through the Word of God. Your faith grows with the knowledge of the truth, and the Word of God is the truth that delivers you from fear.

No matter the situation you find yourself in; always find out the truth about it from the Word of God concerning the situation and stick to that truth, refusing to be moved by any contrary or negative information. This is the only way you will be able to kick out fear from your life forever.

I walk in faith. I see the truth in all situation from the Word of God. I don’t take information from the forces of this world, but only from the Word of God. My faith is immovable and unshakable. Hallelujah!!

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