For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:10)
Many people give an excuse,” I don’t have money that is why I’m not able to give”; they would say “the day I will have I will do big for God.” Such people can never do big for God and for others. Because it’s in their character to love money. Whether small or big, whatever they have, they stick to their character of loving money. Don’t be one of those who has such a character. Whatever you have be a giver out of that.
When you have great wealth, you will do more of what you did when you had little wealth. If your desire was to have a big house, you will simply build bigger houses, and more houses. If you liked cars, you will park more expensive cars. If you cared for one child, you will end up caring for many children. If you attended to the sick in your community, when you have money, you will build hospitals.
If you were selfish when you had little, you will be selfish when you have much, it will simply be more apparent for all to see.
That is just how it is; money is an amplifier of character. It does not change or make character. Choose to have the right character. Don’t love money otherwise you will short circuit the power of God in your life and you will never get big.
I choose to not be a lover of money, but I choose to be a giver. My character of giving is amplified as I grow in my wealth. And as I give I grow more and more, In Jesus name. Amen!