….Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper (2 Chronicles 20:20)
The word “prophets” in above verse, refers to Man of God. God says that if you believe in Him, you will be established and if you believe in the Man of God, you will prosper. Many times people struggle to prosper only because they are unable to believe the Man of God in their life.
Our ministry, the Ambassadors of Zion, is blessed to have a Man of God who is led and moved by the Spirit of God. You must dare to believe in him, if you indeed want to prosper.
Believing in Man of God means to hear and abide by all that he instructs you. If the Man of God tells you to be in Church at 6 am in the morning, hear him and be there, you will see how prosperity flows into your life. If he tells you, not to talk to someone; then don’t talk, don’t reason it out. A man of God is someone with whom God talks and shares all the secrets (ref. Amos 3:7). The Man of God knows what is better for you. If he tells you to not go somewhere, don’t go, you will always remain safe. There are things you don’t know, that is why, God gave you, your Man of God.
Many people ask me, ” Pastor Praise, how are you so rich? How are you able to give so much?”; I have only had one answer, ” I believe and listen to every instruction of my Man of God, Pastor Zion”. That’s the secret of my prosperity. And that is the only secret to prosperity.
If you have been having financial crisis, health issues, losses, fights in family; check if you are listening to the Man of God or not. And dare to believe the Man of God, as difficult as it may seem; you will never regret believing the Man of God, because God said so, and His Word never fails.
I believe in the Lord and I’m established and I believe in the Man of God and thus I prosper at all times and at all seasons. The economy of this world doesn’t control me because my prosperity is dependent on my belief in the Man of God, since I always believe my Man of God, I’m prosperous! Glory to God.