…be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18 GNB).
One of the attributes that you will always find in a successful people is, that such people are thankful. A truly successful person always knows the importance of gratitude. Similarly if you ever see a poor, unsuccessful person or a person burdened with debt, you will find that the person is an ungrateful person. The words “Thank you” are two of the most powerful words to utter. They that understand its importance always keep flying high in their lives.
Being thankful makes you greater. Being thankful helps you convey heartfelt appreciation and gratefulness which, when rightly expressed, leaves an indelible impression of your sincere gratitude and evoke joy in the hearts of the recipients.
When you go to your Church, thank your pastor, your worship leader, worship team and even the usher. When you go to your office or institute thank your leaders or your teachers. Make it a part of your daily life. As a parent also, learn to thank your children, and teach them to thank too. It’s an important lesson of Godly living. As a couple, thank your spouse for the things you do for each other.
When people do things for you, be it a favour or even something they’re obliged to do, practise saying, “Thank you.” It doesn’t matter if the person you are thanking doesn’t understand its value, do it, because it is about you and who you are as a Christian, not about them. Being thankful will make you joyous, and help you scale greater heights.
Precious Father, I thank you for being my strength and my fortress. I’m filled with joy of the Lord and thus I’m grateful. I’m rooted in Christ, overflowing with thankfulness at all times, in Jesus Name. Amen!