And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. (Romans 8:30)
Christmas is not just the celebration of the birth of our Dear Lord Jesus Christ on earth, rather it is the celebration of the purpose of God which was behind sending His Son Jesus on this earth. It was God’s greatest desire to bring us into His fellowship and He fulfilled that by sending Jesus as the mediator between Him and us. Our main verse communicates the essence of Christmas to us. God predestinated us to be one with Him, and for that He sent Jesus, the mediator to call us to Him, and when He called us, He justified us by imputing upon us the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the He glorified us and made us His children, the partakers of His life and declared us His heirs in eternity. Man was lost and empty without God but He considered man precious and brought man out of darkness into His marvelous light. That’s Christmas! God has now made it available to everyone in this world to come to His marvelous light by accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and that’s Christmas! Let the poor say that now they are rich, let the weak say now they are strong, let the sick say now they are well, let those in bond say now they are free, let the addict say now they are delivered because He has made it possible through Jesus Christ for anyone and everyone to enter His marvelous light.
Merry Christmas dear brothers and sisters; it’s something to celebrate, spread and something to shout about! Go tell it everywhere how much God has loved us and what He did for us! Don’t keep quiet! Give relevance to Christmas in someone’s life who needs it today.
Father, I thank you for the Christmas of my life. You chose me, predestinated me, protected me, called me, justified me and then glorified me! I am so blessed and you made me a blessing, a light, an answer, a hope, your hand and your voice. I love you and I don’t hold back from telling the whole world about your love for me.