For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. (1 Corinthians 4:20)
How wonderful it is for us to know that we are not alone, nor are we orphans in this world. In Christ, God has filled us with His Spirit to guide us, help us, and be with us all the time. No matter what the situation may be, He is always present with us. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. His guidance toward you is the guidance of your true Heavenly Father. God has a dream for you. He always guides you according to His plans and the dreams He has for you. It is very important to God that you mature and function on earth as a child of God, not as an ordinary person. He desires that your life be filled with the miraculous, and that it be fruitful, achieving everything to which He has called you. Remember, you didn’t choose Jesus; it is He who chose you.
The way any parent would expect their child to grow up—first to talk when they’re supposed to, then to walk when they’re supposed to—in a similar way, our Heavenly Father expects us to function through our spirit with supernatural abilities as we continue to grow in Him.
This is exactly what God is looking for in your life this new year. This new year is not just another year; rather, it’s a timeframe for you to achieve these levels of maturity. The time has come for you to begin taking control over your life, to stop living carnally, and to stop being driven by the false emotions of the flesh. A child, when he’s not mature, is very impulsive. However, when he matures, childish impulses go away, and wisdom takes over. These are the beginnings of the supernatural life. Before you see miracles taking place outside of you, they begin from within you. The purpose of the miraculous life that God has given you in Christ Jesus is for you to fulfill the dreams He had for you even before you were born. Get started and get excited, for there is so much that God has for you, and I know it. Remember, there is no time to waste.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for guiding me in Your truth and empowering me with Your Spirit. I take control over my life today, in the mighty name of Jesus. I choose to live through Your Spirit, and I commit to training my mind and emotions to be mature and aligned with Your will. I choose wisdom over folly, and I refuse to be swayed by the impulsiveness of the flesh. Instead, I embrace the maturity You desire for me as a child of God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.