I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
(Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV)

God made man in His own image and likeness, and He gave man the power to choose. The reason why God gave us the power to choose is so that we may choose to love Him. Loving Him should not be out of compulsion; rather, it should be our choice, and He rewards us for that.

Now, when we think about choices, we see them as a form of freedom. But it is much more than just freedom; it is power. Choice is the power of the spirit. Without choice, there is no authority, and without choice, there is no power. There was a man whom Jesus encountered; He lived among the tombs and was often chained, yet he would break the chains. The man made the choice to go to Jesus, and Jesus cast the legions out of him. These demons were powerful, yet they could not stop the man from choosing to go to Jesus. (Ref.Mark 5:1-13)

As we continue to learn through the secret of success each day, God is teaching you and training you in one of the most important things: how to use the power of choice. What we are today, what we have today, and where we are in terms of our level of maturity, all of this is a result of how much we have used this power of choice.

Contemplate on this fact today: it’s not that you are just free to choose whatever you want or whatever gives you pleasure. Rather, you have been given the power to choose so that you may exercise this authority to choose what is right. Choose to walk in God’s perfect way. Choose to take responsibility. Choose to do what is right. The spirit of perfection is in you.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that You love me and have made me in Your own image and likeness. In Christ, I am Your child. Thank You for teaching me the power of choice that You have given me. I will choose the right things, and I will train myself in this power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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