For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. (Romans 8:19 ESV)
There are different kinds of giants that the Earth has witnessed. The Bible describes physical giants, such as Goliath, in ancient times. In modern days, we encounter mental giants. However, there is yet another kind of giant that the world is witnessing today: spiritual giants. Romans 8:19 tells us that creation is eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. The world is waiting to be redeemed and saved by God’s children.
As a child of God matures, they are referred to as a son. When you are born again, you start as a child, a baby in Christ. However, as you grow, you transition from being a baby to a young person. The young believer is one who begins to function in faith. But when you become a son, it’s like a grown child who has started taking responsibility of their father’s business.
I’m bringing this awareness to you: you have been chosen and called to be a son in the kingdom of God. This means that God is entrusting the future of the Earth into your hands. It’s true that God has blessed you and His grace is upon you, but it’s equally true that God wants to involve you and use you to bring about a change in your world. He desires to work through you to fulfill His will on Earth.
When you are called to pray and to bring about change, don’t limit it to your personal realm. Instead, extend it to your surroundings. Take responsibility in your prayers to bring about transformation in the world around you.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for loving me and for entrusting the whole world into my hands. As I pray today, I do so with the awareness that the world is waiting to see me manifest your power. I choose to become a spiritual giant, and I commit my time, attention, and energy to growing spiritually. Thank you for filling me with Your Holy Spirit. Through You, I can do all things. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!