Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5 NIV)

Now that you are born again in Christ, the full presence of the Holy Spirit dwells within you. The same Spirit of God who created the entire world lives in you, bringing all His power and ability. You have God’s ability within you.

While the enormous power of God is now within you, it will only be of benefit if you take action. God expects you to grow, mature, understand, and develop the power He has deposited in you through His Spirit. One of the greatest advantages of spending quiet time in the presence of God is that you discover your spiritual abilities. This time allows you to activate the power of God within you and experience it every day.

Through this article, God is communicating to you that one of the key focuses of your life should be discovering what He has placed inside you and making a conscious effort to put it to work.

During quiet time, you disconnect from all worldly distractions and personal thoughts, choosing instead to focus on the Spirit of God. This can be a time of worship where you express yourself to God, a time of meditation where you reflect on scriptures, or even a time of praying in tongues as you minister to Him. Often, when praying in tongues, there is a desire in your heart; perhaps you long for a change or wish to see something come to pass. As you pray, you may hold that desire in your mind, asking for God’s power to be released from within you. Your desire should be to understand the workings of the spiritual realm, and with that desire, you pray in tongues.

Those who hunger will be filled, and those who thirst will be quenched. However, unless you desire and hold a high esteem for spiritual things, you may not receive them. It’s not that God doesn’t want you to have them, but rather that He wants you to be prepared to handle the things of the higher realm.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that I may experience Your power working in my life. I desire to discover the spiritual life You have given me in Christ Jesus. I long to understand and operate in the greater spiritual dimensions to which You have called me. Thank You for Your love, and thank You for teaching me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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