And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. (Habakkuk 2:2)

The Spirit of God is personal to each one of us. What He ministers to you in a Church meeting or in your time of fellowship may not be same, as someone else who was fellowshipping in the same place. Your Spirit catches those things which are specific and important for your situation. That is why, it is very important that you consider the notes you make during the services as God’s personal guide book to you!

I have seen many people who make notes, but never take out time to flip through the pages of their notes. It’s foolishness! You didn’t make those notes to store them, you made them because your spirit caught the important signals of God, during the service, and you didn’t want to miss them, so you specifically wrote them.

Your notes are your treasure of wisdom. If you study your own notes, you will be surprised that every question or challenge that tries to cross your path, you have already got the answers to them in your notes. Today, take out time to study all your notes, you made in this year. It will give a magnification to your intensity of impact! If you want to rise in an unhindered manner, make it a habit to study your notes time and again, you will see how it works wonders!

Dear Father, thank you for you love towards me. Thank you for your Word through which I receive divine instructions which edify me and increase to the next level of glory in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen!

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