The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. James 5:16b (AMP)
God has put us on earth as His hands. He has given us the whole world that we may make the entire world a better place. God had given Adam the whole world to manage but he through his disobedience towards God and obedience towards the devil handed over the world to the devil. That’s the reason there is so much darkness in this world today. The good news is this, that Jesus took man’s position and obeyed God and got the power over this world back from the devil. Jesus after defeating the devil, gave the victory to us that we being children of God may control the things of this world.
Most of the evil is caused not because of wickedness but because good people do nothing to stop those evil, when they are expected to do. As children of God we should not to be callous about what is happening around us. There are things which we can stop directly and there are things which are practically not in our hands to stop, but we can change them through the power which Christ has given to us over the world. Our main scripture shows us that; our earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer makes tremendous power available which is dynamic in its working.
Cultivate strong desires to bring change into your world. Have great desires for the city. Have desires like the entire city should come to the knowledge of God’s Love. Be it your workplace or your business field, or your city or your country, cultivate strong desires in you for a good change. Give time frequently to pray; as you cultivate strong desires, sooner or later, there will be so much power available that it would work dynamically and nothing would be able stop that from happening, which you have desired for.
I am God’s agent of change in this world. I am the hope and as I earnestly pray and cultivate strong desire for the gospel to prevail in the whole world I am sure that those things which I desire strongly would definitely come to pass, in Jesus Name. Amen!