I would declare unto him the number of my steps; as a prince would I go near unto him. (‭Job‬31:37)‬‬

As we approach to the closure of this year it’s imperative that we take account of our year. It’s wisdom to assess our victories and our areas of improvement.

When we talk about taking account, it doesn’t only mean that you are supposed to take account for your worldly achievements, it means taking account of your spiritual development and involvement in the kingdom too. Is there a maturity from the way you communicated before the beginning of this year and now? How much have you grown in the knowledge of the Word of God? Has your relevance in the kingdom increased? How many souls have come to the kingdom through you this year? Have you increased in your level of giving? And most of all have you increased in your love for Jesus Christ?

These are important questions which you must ask yourself because your response to them will determine, the course of your future. If you haven’t made enough development in your spiritual life then it means you need to change yourself. You need to make a decision that you are going to the next level. Remember, the condition of your Spirit will determine the condition of your living.

Precious Father, I thank you for training me in wisdom through your Word. As I assess and take account of this year, I make necessary changes which will increase me and prepare me for a glorious future, in Jesus Name. Amen!

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