Also [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to [a]turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up). (Luke 18:1 AMP)
Jesus explained His disciples through the parable of the judge and widow (Luke 18:2-9), that how important it is to not give up in prayer.
Many people lose heart very quickly when they don’t see the result of their prayers. They give up immediately after starting, they want instant result. However, there are certain matters that need your continued prayer in order to effect a change. You can’t turn coward just after few prayer sessions and say; ” oh it’s not working, I’m giving up!”! No, that’s not the right way of prayer. You stand your ground in faith as you pray, you don’t move until you see the change you desire, even if it takes some time.
For example, if you are praying for your nation, for peace of your nation, for free course of Gospel in your nation; then don’t stop after just one day of prayer , you need to continually keep praying for this. You can’t faint. God has committed your nation to your trust, and you are the one to establish the will of God on your nation, through your prayer.
Take our main verse as a direct command from Master for yourself and refuse to be a coward in prayer.
Blessed Heavenly Father, thank you for raising me through your Word in the perfect ways of the kingdom. I’m ready to effect changes through the power of prayer, and I faint not. Amen