Jesus said, “No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.” (Luke 9:62 MSG)

Every time a new year starts almost everyone starts thinking to do big in the year. Some plan for physical achievements, some plan achievements in and for the kingdom. But, only a few are actually able to achieve their plans, rest only feel motivated for a while and then their charge fuses up. Don’t let that be your story.

We are living in special times, the coming of the Lord is at hand and there’s no time to waste. You need to make achievements in and for the kingdom now. Look at our main verse again, it’s an admonition from Master Himself.

Let every single day of your life count in the kingdom. Be charged up every day, not just in the few days at the beginning of each year, making resolutions you will never follow. A man who lives every single day to make kingdom impacts, does not need to make resolutions, his path will always be upward and forward only, because he has set his course in the right direction, the direction of kingdom impact. Let that be your story. So that on the glorious day, when the Lord sees you He can say: ” Well done thou faithful one, enter into the joy of the Lord” (Matthew 25:21)

Dear Father, I thank you for calling me to be a faithful labourer of the Kingdom of light. I remain charged up all the time to spread the fragrance of the glorious Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ into my world today and everyday, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen!!

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