But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
As a child of God, God has invested the power of the Holy Spirit in your spirit. With maturity, you begin to realize your supernatural abilities. When I say supernatural, I mean that they are indeed natural for a spiritual being. Today, we will be learning more about quiet time. Quiet time helps us align ourselves with the will of God. One more thing that quiet time does is; it helps you experience the power of God. When you fellowship with the Holy Spirit long enough, a time will come when the power of the Holy Spirit is demonstrated right where you are. You may have already experienced this. In common terms, many people say they feel the anointing of God. In Christ Jesus, you need to understand that the anointing doesn’t come over you; rather, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. That experience is not an anointing, but the power of God being released as you function spiritually.
Unless you experience the power of God in your private moments, the same power may never be demonstrated publicly. If you want God’s power to be actively working in your world—whether in your workplace, your business, or any other area of your life—it must first begin in your closet. Quiet time and moments of meditation are key opportunities to learn how to function in the power of God. The same word you meditate upon has the ability to overpower the physical realm and demonstrate itself. When you are alone in the presence of God, especially during quiet time or while fasting and praying, yield yourself completely to Him. Present yourself to be moved by Him, and let this be a transformative experience in your life.
Once the power of God begins to be activated in your private moments, it doesn’t take long before you see it influencing your workplace and your business. Your success in life is not something you have to labor or struggle for; it becomes a natural outcome. All you need to know is this: while you are on earth, you are not of the earth. You are a spiritual being, born of God and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for filling me with the Holy Spirit and for teaching and training me in righteousness. As I come to understand the power of quiet time, I yield myself to You and commit to spending more time growing and maturing spiritually. Thank You for Your grace and for the supernatural life in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.