And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62)

The opening verse of today’s Secret of Success suggests that the one who gets distracted is not worthy of the kingdom. This means you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits, the power, or the grace if you are distracted. To be distracted means you’re not exercising the power God has given you to make right choices. Anything around you can make you a prey. It’s like starting many things but completing nothing—you try to do everything but achieve nothing. That is distraction. There are billions of people on earth with the same story, living without making any impact, just like a photocopy of others. Refuse to be one of them, knowing that there is a great calling and a great plan that God has for you. Practice staying focused.

As you spend time with the Holy Spirit today, identify where you get distracted, and make up your mind to no longer be distracted. Identify the areas where you should focus and set time for everything. Focus helps you use your time wisely, while distractions steal it away.

Distractions are like maggots, weeds, or termites—they slowly eat away your time and energy. The good news is that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter and the Helper. He is the one who holds your hand and leads you forward. Relinquish control, submit yourself to His guidance, and stay focused on Him.

Cut off everything that can be a source of distraction. Many things may seem attractive, but just because they catch your eye, doesn’t mean they are helpful. You’ll be surprised by how much you can achieve in less time once you’ve trained yourself to stay focused.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for filling me with the Holy Spirit, who helps me stay focused. I consciously train myself by practicing and maintaining my focus. I pray that You help me identify every source of distraction, so I can focus on the right things, cutting away everything that is not from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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