Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Revelation 3:22)

Has it ever happened with you that you were getting into something wrong, and you heard a voice from inside of you telling you the correct way? That’s the voice of God, guiding you.

As a Child of God your recreated human Spirit is in oneness with the Holy Spirit, who has come to live in you. He speaks to your Spirit and catches your attention and guides you in His righteousness. Your part is to always respond to that voice and not run away from it. Someone who ignores the voice of God will eventually stop listening to His voice. For you to walk in the Spirit, it’s compulsory that you always respond to His voice and follow the way He sets before you. You must not lean unto your own understanding but instead trust in His voice (ref. Proverbs 3:5).

The more you respond to His voice, the more glorious will be your journey on earth walking in the Spirit. Make a conscious decision to never ignore His voice, no matter how hard or difficult it may appear to walk on it. The end result will always be full of joy and glory.

Precious Father, thank you for guiding to walk in the Spirit. I do not lean unto my own understanding but trust in your voice and follow it no matter what. I’m increased, empowered and glorified as I follow your voice. Amen

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