For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)
At a certain point of time God told Philip to run towards the desert way which is from Jerusalem to Gaza. God was specific of the time and he was specific of the path. When Philip obeyed God, he ended up the meeting with the Ethiopian eunuch, he conveyed the gospel to the eunuch and the gospel reached Africa. All this was the strategy of God executed by Philip. Here is the point, Philip was sensitive to the leading and the guidance of the Spirit of God. He didn’t waste time or didn’t postpone rather he acted in time.
There are many who being insensitive towards the leading of God’s Spirit lose their miracle, job, project, important divine connections etc. Let this tragedy not happen to you. Practice acting on the word when it reaches you from various ways that is the way to get sensitive towards to the timings of the Spirit.
Thank you for your word is ever present in my life! You word guides me, your word leads me. I thank you for your spirit and I yield myself more and more each day. I love you and live my life for you.