All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Many people have the erroneous idea that they need to study the scriptures to deal with problems. They think they need to study and memorize scriptures, so that when they are stuck with any problem they can use the scriptures to get rid of them. That’s not why you should study the scriptures.
The scriptures communicate to you the thoughts of God – the mind of God – and they bring to you the ministry of the Word, such that when that ministry works in your spirit, and you have an understanding of God’s word in your spirit; that is when you understand His will and purpose, and then you can function with the wisdom of God.
This wisdom will deal with all manner of problems, at the direction of God’s spirit. That’s what you need; you don’t need to deal with the problems, one after the other. You need to bring the word into your spirit. It’ll strengthen your spirit, and it’ll give you direction, so you’ll be able to deal with all manner of problems, in the same way. Because all problems are the same; they just show up in different ways, but they’re all the same. They originate from the devil. You need to have the Word of God in your Spirit which will give you the wisdom for all things.
If you had been studying the scriptures to get rid of your various problems, then change your motive now, study to transform your mind and take the mind of Christ; and the wisdom that will be manifested through you will change and affect every area of your life automatically. You won’t struggle to solve problems anymore.
Dear Father, your Word is my light and my shield! In your Word is the fullness of wisdom manifested. I’m forever grateful to you for bringing the gift of your Word in my life. Glory to God!